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Weights + sauna at YMCA

March 9, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

“Busy day”: slept in, then headed to a new coffee shop downtown to work on taxes. I met Nate Jaqua there to chat. His brother Josh, a client of mine, just went into rehab at Hazelden in Newburg, outside Portland. This is both tough but great news. We chatted so I could share my perspectives, as both a friend of Josh’s but also the sibling of an alcoholic who went to Hazelden. I put in a major plug for their Family Program. I hope he goes.

After that…I HAMMERED my taxes. Unfortunately, I totally put off nearly ALL my business accounting, so I spent hours at this coffee shop doing my sales receipts. It took until about 4ish, but I finally got it done.

From there, I went to the YMCA. I still have free passes, and since I’m still in the throes of chelation, I used one to both lift weights, and use their steam room (to “sweat out heavy metals’). Had a fast, strong lift, then sat in the blazing-hot steam room for 25 minutes. After that, I rushed home to prep for my hangout with Thornton.

We haven’t had a legit hangout, just us two, in a lonnnng time. We met up to get beers and food and watch basketball. We went to Jackalope and pounded Ninkasi Pacific Rains (a decent but inferior offspring of the extinct Spring Reign), then got food. I broke a 20+ hour fast with that beer, which was great!

After that, we switched over to The Cooler – an old tyme sports bar near the football stadium – and watched the end of the women’s and rest of the men’s ducks games. Two wins! Fun night.
Hip wasn’t too bad with the workout, but a little stiff, afterward.