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K, K, mile, K on the bark with CA

July 18, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: misty, 60s

Didn't get a ton of sleep last night: <7 hours. But I woke up feeling rested. (Had a dream about running a hundred-miler where I thought I could "start early and begin to bank miles", the night before!)

Ankles weren't horrible this AM, but the left has been acting up more. I think it's the chicken-egg of:

* it's stiff and "stuck lateral"
* I land lateral...which makes it stiff/stuck

I did some midfoot work, and it was better.

The workout today was the K, K, mile, K session. I can't quite seem to let go of the session I did in late May/early June of 2017, where I basically ran 3-teens for the Ks and 5:2x for the mile.

Today: no fucking way.

For whatever reason - I think mainly lack of full warm-up - it was slow as shit. On top of that, it was misting. It felt nice, but it gummed up the trail.

Into the first K, I thought I might've been OK, since I was well ahead of CA. Didn't check any early splits...thought I'd be 3:3x.. ran 3:45. DUD.


I was really annoyed. (CA ran 4:00 and was equally annoyed). But the stride was OK, so we just went with it.

Thankfully, it got better:


The efforts weren't easy. The mile was steady braething, but I pushed hard on that final K, hoping to get into the 20s but no luck.

Form focus:

* HINGE (staying LOW and forward into the hip)
* pawback + R butt back

And on the last set:

* pelvis (push beneath/posterior depression)

OK session. I didn't feel terrible; I felt pretty strong, actually, and the stride felt good. Just didn't have any velocity.

Very short cool-down, then onto work: 7-12.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles   PI Navy-Orange N2s