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October 3, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

No run, no nothing today. Rested that medial thigh/adductor strain from Tuesday night.

Worked 6hr straight in the AM, then came home, intending to bike, but once I ate, it began to pour, so I went and laid down to read, but got interrupted by a couple phone calls, so got up and did some body weight strength, and some leg massage. Found out the "adductor" is actually some medial quad "glued" to the adductors. Working on it was painful, but relieving.

Early dinner, then to Territorial Wine tasting room (in the Whit) for Night #2 in a row of seeing Randy! (He's playing 3 nights in a row, locally, and we're gonna try to see them all).

Overall, I'm feeling really discontent about running and - as a result - about life, in general. It's a frustrating place to be. I feel very little confidence or reslience in my body right now.