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Wallowa Lake - lake & back x2 (first with CA)

November 28, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: more snow, mid 20s?

Did something "new" today:

Taped my ankles.

I've been doing this for years: distal tib-fib compression (+fibular posterior glide). It consistently worked to improve ROM and decrease pain.

My theory: the lateral/narrow landing puts a ton of stress on the ankles, causing micro-(but repetitive) stress to the "high ankle" joint.

However, over the past two years, the results have been inconsistent: it might improve ROM, but wouldn't decrease pain. But I think it was because:

A. I continued to crossover/narrow strike, and
B. I had so much soft tissue restriction on top of it

But since mid-October when I:

A. fixed my footstrike, and
B. cleaned up nearly all the soft tissue restriction

I've still had a TON of pain, stiffness and - seemingly - bits of swelling.

So, I taped.

And I had my best run in MONTHS.

Ran the same snowy loop with CA. It felt the usual soreness in the left heel...then it went away and - in addition to very little pain - the mobility felt good! So I did a second lap.

5 miles total.

The rest of the day:
* slept like ass last night: some sort of gut issue. Up in the middle of the night, super-gassy, then super-congested at 5AM, and unable to fall back asleep, so I got up at 5:30AM and read
* after the run...watched the Bears play a solid game against the "not good but surprisingly good" Lions.
* great Thanksgiving meal!
* hung out then went for a twilight adventure...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles   Topo FlyLyte - Blue