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Portland -> Oregon Coast Trip

July 26, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60s, overcast

Woke up at 0900 pretty groggy from the Benadryl. Went to both Residence Inn Vancouver (where we stayed back in '05) as well as our own hotel for breakfast. Good waffles, OK eggs, good cereal.

Got in the car and decided to drive down the Oregon coast, from the very northern point. It started out boring but gradually got really awesome. Stopped in Astoria and went to a maritime museum, then kept going south. I was still really hung over and tired. Around 3ish we approached "Arcadia Beach", south of Astoria. The road and parking lot were quite close to the ocean and it looked amazing, so I abruptly stopped the car, turned around and pulled into the lot. After walking out and looking for 5 seconds, I declaired to Behrs, "I'm going swimming".

I HATE cold water, but I just needed to get in there -- almost for a cleansing, refreshing ritual. Behrs wasn't into it, so I went solo.

It was overcast and not very warm, but it was the most remarkable thing: ZERO WIND. ABSOLUTELY CALM on the beach! That made the thought of going into the water feasible.

Even better, once I dipped my feet in, it didn't feel so cold! So I gradually made my way out, hopping the waves and getting deeper and deeper 'til a wave finally got me about chest high. From then on, I decided to "high jump" the substantially large (almost surfable?) waves at this tiny beach, encapsulated by this sweet rock wall and monolith just off the shore. I did this for about ten minutes then went to shore and made Behrs get in, too. He changed at the car and came back, and we went back in and "high jumped" the waves for another 10-15 minutes.

It was INCREDIBLE! It was the most I've ever spent in any ocean, and by far the most fun I've had. For sure one of the top five moments of the summer, and it really woke me up and made me feel a lot better.

to be cont'd...

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