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Gimpl Hill bike - "work Saturday"

February 1, 2020 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: mid 40s, rainy

Annoying "work day", today:

CA and Alexis raced 25K out at Bristow, but I had batched a few coaching obligations around it all. My day:

* biked relatively early, in the cold and rain. It felt OK, but wasn't particularly enjoyable.

After that:
* weight training coaching with Maylian (1.5hr)
* drove to Bristow to see CA finish (4th! Alexis beat her, yikes!)
* completed my "break-up" with coaching client Michelle - THE highest-maintenance, least fun client I have (ever had) by far - with about a 45min final chat. I let her know before Christmas that I think we should part ways. I'm not sure I could've done it better (the 3+ years, or this break-up). Still, it wasn't easy.
* back to the gym for a strength coaching session with David

Didn't get home 'til about 3. Every aspect of the day took about 50% longer than budgeted. But I got it done.

Rest of the day:
* late brunch

* we were supposed to go to this special group dinner at Pam and Mack Smith's in Salem...but mid-afternoon, CA broke down -- the combo of the skin canncer diagnosis, all the stress and poor sleep...then running like ass today. It was hard and frustrating. Some of it is totally understandable (namely the stress), but she has a right to (still) be frustrated with her running. So we regretfully bailed on Pam, and instead "went to work":

* went to the coffee shop to do two things:

1. Plan out our Santa Cruz - Fourmidable 50K - Steamboat Trip.

2. Plan out the rest of CA's Georgia Death Race plan - something she's asked we do for weeks, now.

We got coffee, then got kicked out, so we drove to Tap & Growler...but didn't get anything. "No Beer til the plan is done!"

Finally got it done by 7, so we went to Meiji. I told myself I was going to reward myself (for the Michelle and Friday Guy "break-ups") with a delicious Hamm's on tap.

That's what I got. SO GOOD! Callie got some Ninkasi IPA and it wasn't nearly as good!

Enjoyed a beer there, then came home for a late dinner.

Good end to a frustrating day.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.0 Miles 1:15:00 3:44 / Mile   Topo FlyLyte - Blue