February 10, 2020 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Ankle was a little more sore this AM, but I stretched it and it quickly went away.
Busy day, per usual:
* 6 clients in AM
* coaching
But I got to the gym and did another run-walk in the late afternoon before yoga.
Only this time:
1. It was sore in the hike, then worse while running, but...
2. I was wearing the compressive ankle sleeve
After a mile of sore running, I took the sleeve off...and NO PAIN!
So I kept going: same on/off pattern, but I expanded it a bit: to 2+ minutes
Teeny bit sore, but not bad.
Rest of the day? Pretty OK! Good yoga class (not stiff or painful) and more or less fine in the PM. Stretched it to be sure.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
3.0 Miles | Topo FlyLyte - Blue |