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Fox Hollow - Lorane easy/medium

July 8, 2020 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 70, nice

Easy (but still pretty fast) Fox Hollow-Lorane ride. Listened to Tim Ferriss, but was distracted by my debate with Mike Taylor about covid19 (his take: it's less dangerous than we think, and government strategies are over-reaching. I disagree.)

Felt OK, but later in the afternoon? SUPER-tired and out of it. In part, this was due to poor sleep last night: continue to eat too late, before bed.

* treated 3 patients
* stopped by Skinner Butte Park for Run Hub's "distanced" group run
* a couple beers (when I told myself I wasn't) at home, then around the fire with CA and Jonathan...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
24.0 Miles 1:23:00 3:27 / Mile   Topo FlyLyte - Blue