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TWO ankle observations: hip drop & STL

July 27, 2020 (Night)

Exercise Type: Other

Two ankle (/related) observations.

1. Running Form.

I *thought* my form on Sunday was good. But I couldn't see closely until I got home with my phone:

my pelvic DRAAHP on the left still SUCKS! Damn. This means I stressed it (and the whole left side) on both Sunday and today's run.

I had to go back to my 3/17/20 entry to remember what I did to make it way better: I had to actively think about:

A. R pelvis posterior (pawback/push-off)


B. L pelvis anterior (sort of this foward drive, propelling).

Will have to try that again and re-film like I did on 3/17.

If I keep crashing-down on that left side, there's zero chance I'll improve.

2. Nerve tension, pelvic mobility, the "sacrotuberous ligament" and ankle referral?

I've been doing extra stretch time, again. But instead of just hammering on my shin, I've been exploring the pelvis more. What I notice:

* when doing leg up the wall ("Hamstring" straight leg raise), my right is fairly normal(lly tight).

The left: tighter. AND I get this burning tension and pain at the left fibular head!

I've been massage working it, trying to free it, but it didn't seem to work.


1. I've been having left butt soreness/pain on the bike
2. My balance and stability on the left leg is STILL crappy/insufficient.

So last night: I spent a ton of time (a full Ozark episode) working aspect of my left hip capsule AND the sacrotuberous ligament (STL). I've never done focal work to that ligament, which runs from the ishial tuberosity ("sit bone") to the bottom of the sacrum.

It was sore. AND, would refer to my goddamn left shin!

So then I did some research on the STL: apparently:

A. it refers as low as the heel
B. there's some (still not-understood-by-me) connection between the STL and the peroneal (lateral shin) nerve(s)!


All I know is:

1. I can't keep beating the piss out of the leg, in general, with hip drop.


2. I can't imagine that having this referred shin pain (whether it's nerve or STL) into my left shin and ankle is "OK". I need to figure it out.