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PRE into SPFD with CA (+ VRC solo)

September 27, 2020 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: foggy, 50, but nice

Slept poorly. Or I should say: slept fine 'til 3AM, then woke up and tossed/turned 'til 6. Got up, and did some reading (nerve dynamics) AND bought a damn KING mattress (11.5 months since we bought this new queen mattress). It's just too damn hot. Callie seriously is like 1000 degrees when she sleeps!

Did some seemingly useful nerve stretches (man, I have SO much related to neck and upper back!), then we drove to EWEB to run. I was hopeful for Callie that she'd have a better run, after ALL the nerve-related mobs we did yesterday. And I think that was the case.

Kept it pretty mellow the first couple miles, then came around. Ran into SPFD and back via at least 4 "secret trails", then back to Alton Baker. CA peeled off toward the truck while I added on.

I picked it up a bit, feeling OK, but certainly not easy.

Form focus:
* mid-back arch
* "long neck" ("head the soccer ball") with chin down. KEY to avoid the neck pinch!
* pawback

All that felt pretty good. But what I feel (and what Callie filmed of me) is that there's still not a great hip-trunk connection: looks (and feels) clunky. Gotta strengthen that posture and how I can get my sacrum to "curl under" to support the hip flexion.

Ran a solid 10 miles! And over 50 for the week??

Rest of the day:
* coffee at Farmer's Union
* got a plant for my office at Down to Earth, next door
* home to watch the Bears game. AMAZING comeback, again! (Trubisky done? Benched early in the 3rd quarter. Foles: 3 TDS in the 4th quarter??)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles   Topo FlyLyte - Blue