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South Eugene

January 9, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 40s, turned sunny/warm

Did the long run today, rather than Sunday -- gonna try this for a while to allow some "long run hangover" to dissipate before Monday work.

Tried to keep it real easy, especially early. Didn't feel too sore or trashed, which was nice. L calf was "a little"...

WAY overdressed: wore jacket and pants and no sunglasses...and by the time I got to Hilyard/Amazon, the sun was out and I was sweating like a mofo. Quick deuce/drink stop at Albertsons.

Felt pretty good on the soggy Rexius trail, where the stride came around pretty good. On Amazon, I saw all the OTC guys doing what looked to be tempo/long intervals. Man, does Nick Symmonds have a clunky stride -- it looks like he's running in hockey skates. I recognized his form from 400m away.

Felt pretty damn good on the run from Amazon back to home. Somewhat labored at the end, but I wound up clocking like 6:08 pace on the last 2 miles.

GOOD LONG RUN. Post-run "breakfast" at UO -- first time in like 4 months. Not as good as it used to be -- there's no longer pizza at brunch, which sucks. AND there's no more Kashi cereal, which blows. Still pretty good, but...not really worth driving over there and the $7.75...I guess.

Sat around the rest of the day. MEH.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
14.0 Miles