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OFF - to Firehole swim hole, but otherwise lounging, resting

September 22, 2022 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Weather: COLD - on and off rain/hail all day

Weird day.

Didn't sleep in much. Got up and had very early breakfast (before 7am) at the Inn. Their buffet would've been great for 2008 Joe, but it was pretty garbage/sweatshop-y. But it was a big protein dump, so I'll take it.

Rest of the day:
• chatted with Garrett on the phone (he's done at JJPT and likely Steamboat) - then lost my earbud
• chatted with the Runners World UK interviewer
• had my first therapy appt with Stephanie from Sac. Solid first session

Then sat around at Old Faithful in my van before deciding to check out the swim area at Firehole. I read it was springs-fed, but when I arrived:

a. it was, but "only" 70F, and
b. it was maybe mid 40s and windy out

So I didn't go in more than ankle deep! Oh well. Ideas for next time.

Drove around a bit before deciding to nap along a quiet side road in the meadows north of the thermals areas. Very nice

Rest of the day:

• got more beers
• sat up in Old Faithful Inn, but was a bit more restless and bored

To bed. OK day, but a "downer" after yesterday's high!