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Teton NP: Jenny Lake + "Inspiration"/Canyon Creek

September 20, 2022 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: crisp, sunny!

Slept pretty good until 4am, then my mind started racing about my chat with Jules last night. The key thing we didn't discuss: that she BURIED her feelings for me, is absolutely running away, and never gave us a chance. Not even close.

Upon waking, I drove from the boat launch to the Jenny lake visitor Center to use the bathroom. I was among the first cars in the lot (and by the time I left, it was jammed full out to the highway!)

Ate some breakfast and wrote Jules one (final) email, pointing out that she made her decision:

• with zero discussion
• with "data" that was mostly erroneous if not totally random ("the girl with a dog"?? Kidding me?)
• out of 100% fear

Just sucks. I'm not mourning the death of the REAL feelings we had...and what might've been. Barring a resurrection miracle (that might take 2-3 months or more), it is dead. So sad.

The legs felt surprisingly good and it was such a beautiful morning that I decided to cruise around the lake. I wasn't sure how much actual running I'd do, but once I got started...I ran 95% of it!

Ran all the way around the lake, then - on the west side - ambled up to Inspiration Point and a ways westbound on the Canyon Creek Trail. Sat along side the creek for maybe 10-15min, stewing in my depression, then ran back.

Good run and felt solid!

Rest of the day:
• coffee from the general store, and hung out
• ate more breakfast
• had a "lake bath" at the boat launch
• half-napped for a bit
• drove back into Jackson to have a beer with lifelong childhood friends, Ryan and Raini Knaeble (and Raini's husband, Mike). R&M still live in Northern MN and just happened to be visiting Ryan (who's lived in The Hole for 23 years) this weekend!

Had a couple beers with them before heading up to YNP.

Made it to Old Faithful just before sundown, for the iconic patio hangout!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles   Topo FlyLyte - Blue