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RF Loop + Ellie

August 27, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, humid

Woke up at 0530 to golf in Spring Valley with Jimmy, George and George's brother in law. I woke up early enough to get in a 0.75 lift before Jimmy picked me up.

It started raining just as we left and it pissed on us for at least 1.5 hours, which was miserable. I brought a rain jacket but I was freezing -- the ol' body fat ain't what it used to be, so I get cold really easy. Ergo, after 2.5 holes I just stopped golfing and caddied for Jimmy for the rest of the 18. Thank God they had coffee at the turn, and that it stopped raining, as I was finally able to warm up. Despite the conditions and not golfing, I had a pretty good time on the course today. That, and I didn't have to pony up $22 for the golf, either.

Got back into town around 1PM. Jimmy and I went for lunch at the South Fork. Not a big fan of South Fork. My veggie omelette is good, but the 'cakes were garbage. I think I'm just gonna stop eating 'cakes unless they're my own or from Mickey's -- the only two kinds I truly like.

After returning home and twiddling around a bit, I figured I could run easy with Billy, so we went for a jog at 3. It was sunny by then, so we had another good run, where we were able to run the last mile home without stopping, and in eight minutes flat. Very nice.

Though tired and with mild gut rot, I pressed on to do the rest of my miles. I headed south to Glen Park to see the Kinni trails. I was sad to see that the old Deuce Lutz bridge was now completely washed away and impassible. Sad. Though broken for a year or two, I continued to cross there, since that was what I'd used since the early 2000s.

The rest of the loop wasn't much better. Overgrown but runable on the river side trail. It's still annoying, though, to have any plants touch your legs while running -- you never know what it is.

Felt garbagey at first but by the time I did a full Ellie (including some bushwacking when I couldn't find the climber trail) I felt pretty darn good, wtih even less leg stiffness. Ran a very relaxed last mile home, and to compare to Will, I ran the same mile we'd just run and split a 6:22.

I really hope my legs continue to improve and that I can feel great by this weekend!

News Flash: Dropping off PICO at COLLEGE tomorrow! WOOT!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.5 Miles