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Cemetary/Long Carson + Suicide

October 5, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50 (at most), steady rain

Woke up pretty early; didn't feel too hot after last night's boozin'. I had my morning tea and Clif, then hit the road for the long run just after 0930, just in time for the rain to begin.

The plan today was some add-on before hitting Suicide. It's been a long time since I've run this loop, and it's a good one, but little to no trail. This is what I was looking for, since I figured it'd be less stressful on my heels/calves.

Overall the run went pretty well. I kept it very easy throughout, never really dipping too far below 7:00 pace, which was fine. Simply making it 1:51 worth of running with no heel or calf pain was terrific. I did notice some medial/superior knee discomfort on the L near the end. The rain didn't suck too badly, though it got cold when I turned into the wind on the 2nd half of Suicide. Definitely could've used pants on this run.

I finished the run by picking up the bike on Water St, which I had locked behind J&Js. Lucky for me I happened to lock it under an overhang, so my bike and the jacket I had locked with it was still dry. Rode home from there.

Did circuits once back at Kevo's.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
15.0 Miles