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April 28, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Had the Healthcare Systems final this AM. Did shitty on it: 80%. Damn it.

Lifted and circuits right afterwards. Went to Whitney for "breakfast" -- which is simply an excuse to over-eat in the name of trying to use the 15 remaining meals I've got. :|

After class Dan and I ran long Gunderson/Shithouse. The weather was GARBAGE: 35F, wind, flurries, cold as FUCK. Bullshit.

Legs felt GREAT. No pain or any bad sensations from R heel. L heel actually sketch early, but fine after about 5min. Good run, but SLOW d/t Dan dragging ass.

A short 6, but we'll take it (46min).


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles